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Chinees naar Engels Juridisch: Contract(en) Translation Glossary

Chinees term Engels translation
資產撥回機制 Asset disbursement mechanism
Entered by: Malcolm Mayfield
货运代理 freight and forwarding agent
贴花完税 affiix the documentary stamp & pay the doc stamp tax
转账 direct debit
连带责任 joint and several liabilities
违约责任金 penalty
追帐公司 collection agency
防止意外事故应急处理预案 accident prevention and emergency management plans
赋值, 项目系数 given value, item coefficient
钙塑板 calcium plastic(s) board
自由溢水 free water
自行成交版 Non-Agent Version
长达 for
電梯間及四週 Elevator lobbies and surrounding areas
逐级上报 report to the next higher level of authority
除了非由于对本协议书的任何违反而已经 公开可得的信息之外 apart from information already publicly available other than due to any violation of this agreement
附属物 & 附属设施 appurtenances and auxiliary facilities
Help with whole sentence needed! Add the word metric for clarity
折改建 the demolishment,relocation and reconstruction (project)
抵偿租金 to offset rents
技术转让 technology transfer
授信合同、贷款合同、担保合同 Credit Agreement, Loan Agreement, Guarantee Agreement
排他性文件 Exclusive document
提存公证 notarial conservation
提示附录 suggestive appendix
权益 equities
核延 Extension (approval) of project period
核销 write off
核退 refund or reimbursement
核收 verification & acceptance
标的物 subject matter
案件标的金额 the value of the object of the litigation/this case
款搭配不成比例 disproportionate pairing
此项 (regarding) this matter
民事裁定书 Civil Ruling
油麻丝 Mucuna sempervirens
注册资本 registered capital
法定代表人 legal representative
法人代表 representative of legal person
深圳建设用地规划许可证 Shenzhen Construction Planning Permit
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