The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Chinees naar Engels Idioom / spreekwoorden / gezegden Translation Glossary

Chinees term Engels translation
"put your heart in your stomach" no worry / 放心
十年中天,弹指挥手间 the decade passes in a glimpse
可圈可点 notable / remarkable
名门之后 be born in/be from an influential family
Entered by: Julia Zou
大眼瞪小眼 look at one another at a loss, surprised, or disappointed
天上掉馅儿饼 present from heaven
天网恢恢 疏而不漏 (lit.) the net of Heaven has large meshes but it lets nothing through
天行信四时分 As Heaven upholds its integrity, seasons are well-demarcated
外国的月亮比中国的圆 The moon seems fuller in foreign lands than in China
如果不嫌弃,也算我一个吧。 If I could be of help, I'd gladly be at your disposal, too.
宏微 macro and micro
川府 Sichuan
丰俭由人 simple or fancy, all up to you.
三岁看老 personality is all set in stone by the age of three
一帘幽梦 ...this illicit relationship with the GMD?
一亩三分地里 In Russia, President Vladimir Putin has the say. Comma.
一脉相承 cultural lineage/heritage
人体的阴阳失调 imbalance between yin and yang
人情留一線,日後好相見 don't burn one's bridges
应酬 entertain
以力服人者,非心服也 you can't win over people's hearts by force
仗剑走天涯 to be a wandering hero
似水烟 like fog
当老的心 parents are all basically like that
佛都有火 It would try the patience of a saint
Entered by: David Lin
呕心沥血 blood vomiting
哎,玉兰,你高抬贵手吧! TRY
Entered by: jyuan_us
八傻儿 Bashar Al-assad/Bashar
先开枪,再画靶 conclusion first, evidence later
先撤窝子后钓鱼 bait and then cast the fishing net
Entered by: albertdeng
因缘际会 destine to
“打几巴掌,再给个甜枣” carrot after stick
瞧你说的!睡觉呗.再说,都十一点了,我还没吃晚饭呢! what are you talking about! To get sleep. Besides, it's already 11 o'clock, I haven't had dinner!
禁锢 confinement
立牌坊 pretend to be a chaste widow
结庐在人境,而无车马喧 Tranquility in the hustle and bustle
猪狗不如 no better than animals
Entered by: Gary Key
眼见为虚, 手写为实 What thy eyes see changes, what's written on paper stays.
爱来不来 Suit yourself!
炙手可熱 very much demanded
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