Powwow Report for Verenigd Koninkrijk - Edinburgh (Jan 19 2002)

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Report from  Yoshiro Shibasaki, PhD
The first Edinburgh powwow took place on Saturday, 19 January 2002 and it was great fun! It was really nice to meet <b>real</b> people (we often work in solitude). As I promised I took some photos.

<A HREF=http://www.proz.com/pro/580>Yoshi</a>
powwow image powwow image powwow image
(Click on an image for larger view)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Yoshiro Shibasaki, PhD
Mary Smith (X)
Petra Hugk
Rebekka Groß (X)
Ute Penny
Pernille Chapman
Gustaf Eriksson
Donald MacDonell-Sanderson

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Jan 20 '02  Donald MacDonell-Sanderson: Thanks to Sparkie
The Edinburgh Powwow 19/01/02 was great fun, and it was a pleasure to meet new folk. I look forward to other Powwows later this year.

We discussed possibly setting one up in the autumn at a place more readily available to other ProZ-ers in the central belt.

Donald MacDonell-Sanderson
NRK Translations
Jan 19 '02  Rebekka Groß (X): successful Edinburgh powwow
Dear All,

The first Edinburgh powwow took place today - thanks to everybody who turned up - and it was great fun!

It was interesting to meet people who work in different languages and fields of expertise.

Let's do it again some time soon.
