Powwow Report for Verenigd Koninkrijk - London (Feb 27 2010)

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Report from  Kerstin Knepper
This Powwow was well attended (28 in total), there was a good mix of familiar faces and quite a few newcomers to the profession. We spent the first hour chatting about various topics (among them how to get started, is a degree really necessary, how to differentiate yourself, translation software). We then played a round of speed-networking where everyone talked to a person for two minutes and then swapped conversation partners. After about 20 - 30 minutes we had all spoken to lots of people we'd never met before, everybody was off there seats, the conversations were buzzing and the general noise level was definitely higher than the one of the Rugby fans on the ground floor of the pub. The afternoon finished with people mingling and chatting in smaller groups.

Photos from  BabelOn-line

Photos from  Oliver Walter

Photos from  BabelOn-line

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Rachel Mackay
Oliver Walter
Konstantin Kisin
GillW (MCIL)
Cathrin Cordes
Roland Glasser
Kerstin Knepper
Elisa Noetinger
Jeanie Eldon
Steve Derry
Ina Ropotica
Natalia Mackevich
Steve Poynter
David Tracey, PhD
Magdalena Nogal
Dr JM Chen, PhD
N Andersson
Aleksandra Narozna
Albert Fischer (Dipl. Jur., LL.B., BDÜ)
Tatiana Gordeeva
Elena Gaibovitch
Judith Gonzalez
Monica Quijano

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Mar 7 '10  JtoE: Interesting event
Thanks for the event, I met some interesting people through this. As for the issue with Konstantin following up on his promise, if you\'re going to complain about his methods then it would be professional to do so in private. Again, thanks for the event.
Mar 7 '10  Roland Glasser: Advertising

I sort of agree with Oliver on this one. We spoke briefly at the powwow, but I was not one of those who was informed about the webinar, and it so happens that it is not particularly relevant to me. So your message was the equivalent of spam as far as I was concerned.

I think that a better route would possibly have been to take the details of everyone who expressed an interest, then send them all a message privately with details of the webinar.

Mar 7 '10  Roland Glasser: Advertising

I sort of agree with Oliver on this one. We spoke briefly at the powwow, but I was not one of those who were informed about the webinar, and it so happens that it is not particularly relevant to me. So your message was the equivalent of spam as far as I was concerned.

I think that a better route would possibly have been to take the details of everyone who expressed an interest, then send them all a message privately with details of the webinar.

Mar 6 '10  Natalia Mackevich: To Konstantin
Thank you for the recent update about webinars, it's a very useful information!

Best regards,
Natalia Mackevics.
Mar 6 '10  Konstantin Kisin: To Oliver
Hi Oliver,

Thanks for your comment. It was a pleasure to meet you at the powwow and I appreciate your vigilance on behalf of Proz.com. :)

I discussed this webinar with many of the people we met at the powwow and a number of them showed interest in finding out more. I promised to update them when the webinar is ready - hence the posting here.

Obviously, if you feel that strongly about this, you are of course welcome to contact the site team regarding this horrific breach of the rules. :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

Mar 6 '10  Oliver Walter: To Konstantin
Your posting unfortunately appears to conflict with site rule number 3: Advertisements are prohibited. Paid advertising is available from ProZ.com in designated areas of the site. Unauthorized solicitation, sent via the forums, profile messages or elsewhere, is not allowed. Discussion of sites offering competing services is also prohibited, due to past abuse

Find them here: http://www.proz.com/rules/
Mar 6 '10  Konstantin Kisin: Presentation that I mentioned to a few of you
Hey guys,

I remember speaking to a few of you about my upcoming series of webinars covering the business aspect of translation.

You can check out the first one here:


Hope to see you there!
Mar 2 '10  Elisa Noetinger: Great to meet everyone!
And many thanks to Kerstin for organising!

It was such a nice afternoon. Good to see some familiar faces and meet new fellow translators too!

And thanks Jean-Louis for the photos!

Mar 2 '10  GillW (MCIL): London PowWow
Great to meet so many people and exchange ideas/queries. Would the lady who told me about her accountants and who I talked about tax issues with kindly send me her details. Thanks and kind regards, Gill
Mar 2 '10  Mirelluk: Apologies
It's a pity I was unable to join you. Hopefully next time.
I'll have a look at the pics that should be great fun.

Best wishes to you all and especially to Kerstin for organising the Powwow.
Mar 2 '10  Richard Delaney FCIL CL: Apologies
Dear Kerstin,

I\'m sorry I couldn\'t make it in the end- we just bought a flat, so we spent most of the weekend looking at renovation needs and buying materials.

Hopefully I\'ll be there next time.

Mar 2 '10  Kerstin Knepper: photos and next powwow
Hello everybody,

and thank you, Jean-Francois, for putting up the pictures (see www.proz.com/powwow_report/3074)!

The next powwow on 27 March is ready for sign-up. I still have to book the room but hopefully there won\'t be a problem.

Hope to see you all next month and do send me your ideas for topics etc.

Best wishes,
Mar 1 '10  Oliver Walter: Noisy and happy
When I arrived, at nearly 4 pm (because of delays to trains), I estimated there were about 25 people, all talking noisily and happily. Pace Flo: I spoke to people from at least: Russia, Germany, Mexico, Spain, France, China, perhaps also UK!
Mar 1 '10  BabelOn-line: Photos
Hello All! Nice to see you guys, photos of the event on their way soon - have to do a bit of cropping and resizing first!


Jean-Louis @ BabelOn-line
Mar 1 '10  Jim Barr: Last Saturday
Sorry I couldn't make it - I had to work. I have promised myself that I will be there next time!
Mar 1 '10  Sheela Kenan: Powwow
My apologies for not being able to attend; unfortunately, work had to take precedence. I really do look forward to being able to attend the next one. Keep up the good work, Kerstin.
Feb 28 '10  Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart: I hope I can finally attend next time!
I\'m gutted I couldn\'t make it once again - we were invited to a birthday party this time. I really hope I will be able to attend the next powwow. Thank you, Kerstin for continuing the tradition.
Feb 28 '10  Debora Chobanian: Sorry I could not attend
I ended up having to work. My apologies. I will be looking forward to the next one.
Feb 28 '10  N Andersson: Thank you Kerstin.
I really enjoyed my first meet. Thanks to the organiser and everyone there, you were so friendly. I got lots of tips and ideas from people I talked to. I plan to go to more meets in the future. Hope to see you all again.
Feb 28 '10  Tatiana Gordeeva: Thank you, Keristin!
This was my first powwow and I had a great time meeting very interesting people. Thanks again Kerstin for organising it!
Feb 28 '10  David Tracey, PhD: Thank you, Kerstin
Many thanks to Kerstin for organising the powwow - I really enjoyed meeting you all!

Best wishes, David
Feb 27 '10  Natalia Mackevich: An excellent meeting!
I'm very glad I attended my very first powwow, and it was a warm and professional experience! Lots of things have been discussed and ideas shared. I really hope we'll keep in touch.

Looking forward to seeing the pictures!
Natalia Mackevics,
Feb 27 '10  Flo in London: Thank you Kerstin
Many thanks Kerstin for organising such a stimulating event.

I don\'t think I\'ve ever spoken to so many people of so many nationalities in such a short period of time! It was great fun! I look forward to the next one :-)
