videos » Translation skills development & client services » 103 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Family Law Terminology

Posted by Suzanne Deliscar on Mar 18, 2011 0 views
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Price: $ 15.00

This video is associated with the "103 - Legal Terminology: Family Law Terminology" training course.

Purchasing this video will also enroll you for that training course (at no charge), and the course will therefore appear in your training My courses page.

This is the third video out of 5-part course is taught by a Canadian lawyer-linguist as the first step in understanding English legal terminology. It is designed for freelancers who are beginning to work in the legal translation. At the end of this course attendees will have increased knowledge with regard to English language legal structures and specific terminology found in various legal documents.

Duration: 60 minutes

Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

Language: Engels