Nederlands naar Engels
Spaans naar Engels
Engels naar Nederlands

Maria Ramon
Accurate, fast, experienced, dependable

Claremore, OK, Verenigde Staten
Lokale tijd: 22:25 CDT (GMT-5)

Moedertaal: Engels Native in Engels, Nederlands Native in Nederlands
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My native languages are: English, Dutch and Spanish.

I enjoy translating, it comes naturally to me.

I am a person of Dutch descent, parents were both Dutch, I was born in the Netherlands, however, my parents emigrated to Venezuela when I was a baby.

I grew up in Caracas, Venezuela; at home we spoke Spanish, and some Dutch.

At school we learned English also, 1 hour a day from American teachers, who did not speak Spanish; the expectation was that we should be able to speak English proficiently at the end of the 6th grade, and most of us did.
I have spoken English all my life and cannot remember a time when I did not speak or read and write English.

Later, in my early twenties, I learned to read and write Dutch, was married to a Dutchman; I learned the language going to class in Holland and living and working in the country for many years.

I speak Dutch fluently (with a slight Spanish accent!), and write it grammatically correct. I have a thorough knowledge of the language, also understanding its double meanings and all the abbreviations, of which there are many.

I am an avid book reader and I read books in most languages I know.

Over the span of my life I worked mainly in International Trade, as export manager, both in the textile and the dairy industry.

I lived and worked in many countries due to personal reasons and political circumstances in several countries I lived in.

In all places of employment I was the translator/interpreter (almost by default); I translated documents as needed, which were mainly contracts and other legal documents, and performed as interpreter in business discussions, press conferences, etc, as (unofficial) part of my employment obligations.

Interpreting and translating are like a second nature to me, it occurs naturally and I enjoy it very much.

Since 1997 I have worked as interpreter at the Court House in the County in which I live, and in an adjacent County.

I have also done countless translations for the Court, businesses, lawyers, doctors, etc.

I am active as interpreter in both Court Houses on a very regular basis, and I worked as telephone interpreter for a global company - not anymore though, they didn't pay my invoices (after intervention by Proz they have paid me in full).

Usually I work on translations for different outsourcers in the following pairs:

Currently most of my work consists of translatios of IT documents and tenders, financial and legal documents from Dutch into English.

I specialize in legal documents and financial reports; history and literature; IT documents and of course general translations like: birth or marriage certificates, contracts, brochures, editorials, travel programs, etc.
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Totaal aantal verdiende punten: 206
(Allemaal PRO-niveau)

Belangrijkste talen (PRO)
Engels naar Spaans98
Spaans naar Engels66
Nederlands naar Engels19
Nederlands naar Spaans14
Engels naar Nederlands5
Punten in nog 1 combinatie >
Belangrijkste algemene vakgebieden (PRO)
Zakelijk / financieel66
Juridisch / patenten59
Punten in nog 2 velden >
Belangrijkste specifieke vakgebieden (PRO)
Juridisch (algemeen)59
Financieel-economisch (algemeen)32
Transport / vervoer / logistiek14
Poëzie en literatuur12
Idioom / spreekwoorden / gezegden12
Medisch (algemeen)11
Punten in nog 11 velden >

Alle verdiende punten bekijken >
Trefwoorden: court interpreter, children's books, conference interpreter, immigration translator, airport interpreter, domestic violence interpreter, tourism, fast service, medical interpreter, medical translator. See more.court interpreter, children's books, conference interpreter, immigration translator, airport interpreter, domestic violence interpreter, tourism, fast service, medical interpreter, medical translator, legal translator, birth certificate translator, phone interpreter, text translator, business translator, traduccion legal, traduccion medica, interprete para el juzgado, interprete para abogados,dutch>english translations,english>dutch translations,english>spanish translations,spanish>english translations,over the phone interpreter, telephone interpreter,opi interpreter,dependable translator,reliable translator, fast translator. See less.

Profiel voor het laatst bijgewerkt
May 13, 2014