MARKETING MASTERY – A comprehensive marketing framework to attract your ideal clients, raise your rates, grow your income, and market consistently

Formats: Webinar presentations
Topics: Business of Translation and Interpreting
Business skills for translators
Marketing for translators
Grow your translation business

Course summary
Start time:Feb 1, 2022 16:00 GMT     Add to calendar

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Duration: 5 weeks of 1-2 hours of content each week, plus homework

Has your income plateaued working for agencies?

Do you want to take your business to the next level?

Has the pandemic affected your translation business negatively?

If you are an experienced translator and have experienced any of the things mentioned above, you are most likely looking for a better way to market and run your business. You might also need a completely different mindset. In my 17 years as a freelance translator and 10 years as a marketing trainer I have noticed some important differences between high earning translators and struggling translators.

Three Reasons Why Most Freelance Translators Are Unable to Grow Their Business

They are afraid of raising their rates

They are afraid of letting clients go

They don't spend time marketing their business consistently

Reason 1. Afraid of raising their rates

I have also been there, afraid to lose customers if I increased my rates. But with a consistent system for raising rates, at the right moments, and to the right clients, it is possible. I've continuously raised my rates during my 17 years of being a freelance translator.

Reason 2. Afraid of letting clients go

Some clients end up not being worth your time after a while, especially if you're raising your rates continually. If I client is costing you more in time and headache than it's worth, it's time to let them go. This leaves you time to find new and better clients too. But you need a mindset shift to do this.

Reason 3. Not marketing consistently

To find new and better clients you need to market consistently. In order to do this, you need to know who to market to, when and how. You also need a plan and a schedule so you know what to do each day to move your business forward.


This can all be achieved with a system where you define your ideal clients, chisel out your own unique selling point, develop a better client and marketing mindset, set up some clear goals, with a plan on how to achieve them. You also need some tools for achieving your goals: some great marketing materials, an optimized platform to attract clients, and some tactics to reach out to your ideal clients on a consistent basis. Having some negotiation, and sales techniques in your back pockets will also help.

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Created by
 Tess Whitty    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Tess Whitty has been an English to Swedish freelance translator for the past 18 years. Before that she studied and worked with marketing.

During the past 10 years she has also shared her marketing knowledge and translator experience with other freelance translators as a speaker, trainer, consultant, author, and podcaster. She has been sharing her experience and knowledge in online marketing through workshop, courses and e-books since 2016. In 2020 and 2021, she was ranked among the top 50 world’s industry localization influencers by Nimdzi. For more information, or to connect, go to

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