Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators

Scandinavian Language Services

Success through Quality
Egyesült Államok

Scandinavian Language Services is a team of professional translators located in the Unites States and in Europe.

Take advantage of working directly with professional translators, by sending an email. You will receive a free quote.
Team language pairs 7
  • angol - dán
  • norvég - angol
  • svéd - angol
  • dán - angol
Team leader
Hanne Rask Sonderborg
Hanne Rask Sonderborg
Professional Full-Time Translator
Hanne Rask Sonderborg
Cand.Mag. from the University of Aarhus, Denmark, ATA, NETA, 11 years of experience
Team members 4
Christian Schoenberg
Christian Schoenberg
Nordic Legal Language Solutions
Egyesült Államok
Alice Wolfe, DDS (X)
Alice Wolfe, DDS (X)
Professional, medical Danish translation
Egyesült Államok
Helle Gylling
Helle Gylling
Life sciences, COVID-19. M.Sc. 20+ years
Egyesült Államok
Charles Ek
Charles Ek
Your meaning, from your words and mine
Egyesült Államok

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