Working languages:
English to Catalan
English to Spanish
Spanish to Catalan

Muntsa Valls

Local time: 07:30 CEST (GMT+2)

Native in: Catalan Native in Catalan, Spanish Native in Spanish
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Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling
Specializes in:
Poetry & LiteratureTourism & Travel

Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Catalan: Condicions de reserva / Booking conditions
Source text - English

Condicions de Reserva

Reserva de l’allotjament:

Per tal de reservar l’habitatge s’haurà d’abonar el 40% del preu total en efectiu o mitjançant transferència bancària, prèvia autorització de XXXXX. Les despeses derivades d’operacions bancàries aniran a càrrec del llogater. Per tal de validar la reserva ens ha d’enviar una còpia d’aquesta transferència per e-mail a [email protected] o per fax al número XXX XX XX XX, abans de 48 hores. Inclogui la referència de la casa o apartament, el seu cognom i nom, en aquest ordre. Per exemple: AT061 Ferrer, Pere.

Nº (IBAN):
(Operacions des de bancs estrangers)

Un cop rebuda la transferència, li enviarem el contracte que ens haurà de retornar signat. La resta del lloguer (60%) es pot pagar mitjançant transferència bancària o en efectiu quan arribi a la nostra oficina. No s’admet el pagament amb targetes de crèdit o dèbit.

Condicions generals:

1. Als apartaments i cases no hi ha roba de llit i tampoc tovalloles. Si ho desitja les pot llogar a la nostra oficina. Els agrairem que ens ho comuniquin en el moment de formalitzar la reserva o dies abans de la seva arribada.
- Llençols llit individual + coixinera + tovallola de mà + tovallola de bany: 10 Euros
- Llençols llit de matrimoni + 2 coixineres + 2 tovalloles de mà + 2 tovalloles de bany: 15 Euros

2. L’aigua, l’electricitat i el gas estan inclosos en el preu de lloguer.

3. El dipòsit és de 200 Euros, i s’ha de pagar en efectiu el dia d’arribada. Ens ha d’avisar amb un mínim de quaranta-vuit hores d’antelació de l’hora en que té previst marxar (sempre abans de les 11h.), ja que vindrem a fer el control, recollirem les claus i li retornarem el dipòsit. En cas de no marxar durant l’horari d’atenció al públic de l’oficina, li retornarem el dipòsit mitjançant transferència bancària

4. El lloguer mínim en la majoria dels nostres allotjaments és de 2 setmanes. Excepcionalment, hi ha allotjaments que es poden llogar per 1 setmana, prèvia autorització de XXXXX, amb un recàrrec de 35 euros.

5. No s’admeten reserves de grups formats exclusivament, o majoritària, per joves d’entre 16 i 25 anys, sense la prèvia autorització de XXXXX. En el cas d’acceptar una reserva d’aquest tipus, el dipòsit serà de 50 euros per persona, essent el dipòsit total d’un mínim de 400 euros.

6. No està permesa l’entrada d’animals domèstics (o de qualsevol tipus) a les nostres cases i apartaments. L’incompliment d’aquest punt suposarà la pèrdua del dipòsit.

7. Horaris d’entrada i sortida:
Cases Apartaments
Arribada divendres de 17.00 a 20.00h. dissabtes de 17.00 a 20.00h.
Sortida divendres abans de les 11.00h dissabtes abans de les 11:00h.

*En temporada baixa, l’entrada i sortida dels allotjaments pot ser en altres dies de la setmana, segons disponibilitat.

8. Segons el nº d’AT, el dia d’arribada hauran de presentar-se a:

9. No s’admeten arribades més tard de les 20h sense l’autorització de XXXXX. En aquest cas, hi haurà un recàrrec de 90 euros.
Translation - Catalan
Booking Conditions

Booking of the accommodation:

To book a house and/or apartment, the 40% of the total price has to be paid in cash or by bank transfer (prior xxxxxx authorization). Any bank surcharge is at tenant’s charge. In order to confirm the booking a copy of the payment receipt must be sent to us via e-mail: [email protected] or fax: +XX XXX XX XX XX, before 48 h. Please include the AT-number (reference number of the house/apartment), your family and first names. For example: AT031 Smith, John.

Account holder:
Nr (IBAN):
(Needed when transferring money from a foreign bank)

Once we have received the bank transfer, we will send you the contract by e-mail or fax and you will have
to sign it and send it back to us. The balance can be previously paid by bank transfer, but it can also be paid in
cash when you arrive at our office. We do not accept credit or debit cards.

Terms and conditions:

1. In our houses and flats there are neither bed linen nor towels, but in case you need some they can be rented at our office. If so, we need to know it at the moment you book the accommodation, or at latest, a few days before the arrival day.
- Single bed sheets + 1 big towel + 1 small towel: 10 Euros
- Double bed sheets + 2 big towels + 2 small towels: 15 Euros

2. Water, gas and electricity are included in the rent price.

3. At your arrival a 200 Euros-deposit must be paid in cash. Please tell us, at least 48h before leaving, at what time (before 11:00 AM) you want to leave, in order to check the accommodation (please leave it as you found it at your arrival). On your departure day we will come at the pre-arranged time, in order to check the apartment, get the keys back and return the security deposit to you. If you leave out of our office timetable, the deposit will be returned to you by bank transfer.

4. Most of our accommodations have a minimum rental stay of 2 weeks, but some houses or apartments could be exceptionally booked for only one week. After having received XXXXX authorization to do so, an extra-fee of 35 Euros will be charged onto the total price.

5. Groups exclusively formed by young (16 to 25 years old) people and groups which majority is formed by them, are not allowed. In case XXXXX accepts one of these bookings the security deposit will be 50 Euros per person, being the minimum deposit of 400 Euros.

6. Pets (and other animals) are not allowed in any of our houses and apartments. Non-fulfillment of this point will lead to the permanent retention of the deposit.

7. Arrival and Departure timetable:
Houses Apartments
Arrival Friday from 5 pm to 8 pm Saturday from 5 pm to 8 pm
Departure Friday before 11 am Saturday before 11 am

* During the low season, the arrival and departure days can be others than Friday or Saturday, according to availability.

8. According to your AT number you will have to go to one office or another:

9. Arrivals out of this established timetable are not admitted if they have not been previously authorized by XXXXX. For arrivals out of our office working hours, we charge an extra fee of 90 euros.
English to Catalan: The Edible Woman, by Margaret Atwood (novel excerpt)
Source text - English
I know I was alright on Friday when I got up; if anything I was feeling more stolid than usual. When I went out to the kitchen to get breakfast Ainsley was there, moping: she said she had been to a bad party the night before. She swore there had been nothing but dentistry students, which depressed her so much she had consoled herself by getting drunk.
"You have no idea how soggy it is," she said, "having to go through twenty conversations about the insides of people's mouths. The most reaction I got out of them was when I described an abscess I once had. They positively drooled. And most men looke at something besides your teeth, for god's sake."
She had a hangover, which put me in a cheerful mood - it made me feel so healthy - and I poured her a glass of tomato juice and briskly fixed her an alka-seltzer, listening and making sympathetic noises while she complained.
"As if I didn't get enough of that at work," she said. Ainsley has a job as a tester of defecive electric toothbrushes for an electric toothbrush company: a temporary job. What she is waiting for is an opening in one of those little art galleries, even though they don't pay well: she wants to meet the artists. Last year, she told me, it was actors, but then she actually met some. "It's an absolute fixation. I expect they all carry those bent mirrors around in their coat pockets and peer into their own mouths every time they go to the john to make sure they're still cavity-free." She ran one hand reflectively though her hair, which is long and red, or rather auburn. "Could you imagine kissing one? He'd say 'Open wide' beforehand. They're so bloody one-track."
"It must have been awful," I said, refilling her glass. "Couldn't you have changed the topic?"
Ainsley raised her almost non-existent eyebrows, which hadn't been coloured in yet that morning. "of course not," she said. "I pretended to be terribly interested. And naturally I didn't let on what my job was: the professional men get so huffy if you know anything about their subject. You know, like Peter."
Ainsley tends to make jabs at Peter, especially when she isn't feeling well. I was magnanimous and didn't respond. "You'd better eat something before you go to work," I said, "it's better when you got something on your stomach."
Translation - Catalan
Sé que em trobava bé el divendres quan em vaig aixecar. Si de cas, una mica més impassible que de costum. Quan vaig entrar a la cuina, per esmorzar, l'Ainsley ja hi era, amb cara llarga. Em va explicar que havia estat en una festa espantosa la nit anterior. Va jurar que no hi havia pogut trobar ningú que no fos estudiant d'odontologia, cosa que la va deprimir tant que havia hagut de consolar-se emborratxant-se.
—No saps com n'arriba a ser de salivós —em va dir— haver de matenir vint converses sobre les cavitats bucals de la gent. La reacció més important que els vaig aconseguir arrencar va ser quan els vaig descriure un flemó que vaig tenir una vegada. És que se'ls feia la boca aigua. I, per l'amor de Déu, la majoria d'homes se sol fixar en altres coses apart de les dents.
Tenia ressaca, cosa que em va fer posar de bon humor —em feia sentir tan saludable—, li vaig omplir un got de suc de tomàquet i li vaig preparar un alka-seltzer, tot escoltant-la i fent sorolls simpàtics mentre es queixava.
—Com si no en tingués prou a la feina —va dir. L'Ainsley treballa com a controladora de qualitat de raspalls de dents elèctrics defectuosos en una fàbrica de raspalls de dents elèctrics, una feina temporal. En realitat el que espera és una oportunitat per poder entrar en una galeria d'art, encara que no paguin massa bé. Vol conèixer els pintors. L'any passat, pel que em va dir, li va agafar la dèria pels actors, però llavors en va conèixer alguns.— És una autèntica obsessió. Em fa la impressió que tots duen aquells miralls dentals plans a les butxaques dels seus abrics i que s'examinen detingudament la boca cada vegada que van al bany per assegurar-se que encara no els ha sortit cap càries —Pensativa, es va passar una mà pels cabells, llargs i pèl-rojos, o més aviat d'un color vermell fosc. —Et pots imaginar fer-li un petó a un d'ells? Primer de tot et diria 'A veure, obre bé la boca...'. És que sempre pensen en el mateix.
—Segur que va ser espantós —vaig dir, mentre li tornava a omplir el got— I perquè no vas canviar de tema?
L'Ainsley va arquejar les celles gairebé inexistents, que encara no s'havia perfilat aquell matí. —Ni de broma —va dir— Vaig fer veure que hi estava molt interessada. I, és clar, no vaig voler que sabessin de què treballo: aquests especialistes es posen tan inaguantables si veuen que saps alguna cosa sobre el tema. Mira, igual que el Peter.
L'Ainsley sempre es fica amb el Peter, sobretot quan no es troba bé. En un gest magnànim, vaig preferir no respondre. —Aniria bé que mengessis alguna cosa abans de marxar cap a la feina, —li vaig dir— les coses solen anar millor quan tens alguna cosa a l'estómac.

Translation education Master's degree - Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Experience Years of experience: 1. Registered at Mar 2007. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
My name is Montserrat Valls and I am a native Catalan and Spanish speaker.

Learning to communicate in other languages has been my passion since I first discovered English at school. I have a degree in English Philology and I've just finished a MA on Translation and Localization, from English to Catalan and Spanish.

I've been also learning German, French and some Italian.

Although I haven't been able to dedicate much time to professional translation, my jobs have always implied some level of translation, above all in the field of tourism. I also enjoy translating articles and literary works.

Telephone: +34606955382
E-mail: [email protected]
Keywords: children's books, tourism, localization, literature, literary, prose, fast service, urgent, literatura infantil, narrativa. See more.children's books, tourism, localization, literature, literary, prose, fast service, urgent, literatura infantil, narrativa, turismo, turisme, localització, localización, software. See less.

Profile last updated
Aug 21, 2011