
Heather Tew

Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, 马来西亚
当地时间05:03 +08 (GMT+8)

母语为:Chinese汉语 Native in Chinese汉语
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翻译样本 已提交的翻译样本: 6
Chinese汉语译成English英语: 忆冬至
General field: 艺术/文学
Detailed field: 诗词与文学
原文文本 - Chinese汉语
马来西亚四季如夏,在这里长大的孩子,大多从未见过雪,因此对冬天怀有一份憧憬,我也不例外。听妈妈说,冬至是北半球白昼最短、黑夜最长的一天,过了冬至,太阳就会慢慢回升,春天悄悄走近,很快的,又是新的一年了。 我没见过雪,只好将白白软软的糯米粉搓成一粒粒圆润的雪球,轻轻放到滚烫的糖水中,望着眼前袅袅升起的蒸汽,幻想自己身处晨雾弥漫的雪地中。 身后的老旧收音机正在播放蔡琴的《春风吻上了我的脸》,我们几个兄弟姐妹,一边满头大汗地搓出一盘盘塞满了花生馅的汤圆,一边大声唱着,“春风它吻上了我的脸,告诉我现在是春天~”
翻译文本 - English英语
In Malaysia, the weather is hot throughout the year. Most children here have never seen snow, and as such, harbour a certain longing for winter. I was no exception. My mother used to say that Dongzhi marks the day of the year with the least daylight and the longest night for those living in the northern hemisphere, after which the sun will slowly make its way back to its original position in the sky. And that in its wake, spring tiptoes quietly, ushering in the new year. I’d never seen snow, so I had no choice but to content myself with making round, smooth snowballs out of the soft, snowy rice flour, gently putting them into the boiling sweet broth, and pretending I was standing in the middle of some snowy terrains shrouded in morning mist while I watched the steam rise before my eyes. Behind me, the old radio was playing Caiqin’s A Kiss from the Spring Breeze, while my siblings and I, sweating from the heat, moulded rice flour into platefuls of tang yuan filled with ground peanuts and sang along.

“The spring breeze kisses my cheeks, and tells me that it is now spring...”
Chinese汉语译成English英语: 花宴
General field: 市场开发
Detailed field: 食物与饮料
原文文本 - Chinese汉语



翻译文本 - English英语
A Feast of Flowers

With seven types of flower tea come seven different flavours and fragrances - a blooming feast for the senses, a delightful harmony of redolent sweetness and lush earthiness.

Flowers are a symbol of birth, growth and renewal; they are the herald of spring, of better times ahead. Tea, on the other hand, is an integral aspect of the Chinese culture – the embodiment of wisdom passed down through five thousand years of history, and a staple of traditional celebrations.

Celebrating the Spring Festival with flower tea goes beyond preserving the legacy of Chinese tea culture. It is a reinterpretation of an old tradition through a new lens, a reconciliation of the old and the new. With every sip, we celebrate at once the wisdom of those who came before us and the robust vitality the new year promises - staying true to our roots with an eye to the future, and celebrating what has been accomplished to embrace what is yet to come.
Chinese汉语译成English英语: 幸福楼
General field: 艺术/文学
Detailed field: 诗词与文学
原文文本 - Chinese汉语

翻译文本 - English英语
In his mind, he saw the rocks at the entrance of the mine. They glistened under the sun, waiting to be picked up. He bent over to grab one and threw it — silence. The inscrutable depth of that deserted mine continued to elude them, so they stood quietly in the wind as if mourning the death of this mine and all others. And then there was nothing; he could not see anything beyond that. Let us bury it all then, he thought, let us bury it all here, everything that was and is. 

It seemed that was how they found the place. There they laid down a gravestone, and engraved upon it the end of their love. Year of death: 2007.
Chinese汉语译成English英语: 魔神仔
General field: 艺术/文学
Detailed field: 诗词与文学
原文文本 - Chinese汉语
不过心中想逃离的念头并未让我真正付诸行动勇敢翻越救兵去了!我觉得我却是逃离了真实的自己,很久不再面对内心的自己;说得更入骨一点: 我放弃了自己!有一个很野蛮很原始很狡诈的我,从原来的我之中逃了出来,逐渐能够适应自己在军队中是个弱势,是个被欺侮者,不够狠勇,是一只文明的老鼠,但一有机会我也会毫不留情地暗中反击,大多是用心机,偶尔才用拳头生存。天啊!我多么不喜欢如此扭曲变形的自己,我甚至心里变态到最期待一天之中上厕所的自闭时光,只有把自己关在厕所中我才能暂时喘息...
翻译文本 - English英语
But the desire to run away was not enough to compel me to risk desertion. Rather, it was my true self that I was running away from, for I had not confronted the man within for a very long time. To put it frankly, I had given up on myself! A savage, primitive and cunning creature had emerged out of the man I used to be, and gradually, I grew used to the reality of my new life in the army. I was a weakling — a well-mannered rat, in truth — destined to be bullied, being neither vicious nor brave enough. Yet, whenever the opportunity arose, I was not above fighting back sneakily. I survived with my wit and schemes, and occasionally, my fists. Oh, how I despised the twisted thing I had become! I had become so twisted that I found myself looking forward to, more than anything, the time spent in solitude in the toilet, for it was the only time I could momentarily catch my breath...
Chinese汉语译成English英语: World War, Insurgency and Confrontation: Memoirs of an Eventful Life
General field: 艺术/文学
Detailed field: 诗词与文学
原文文本 - Chinese汉语
⾺來亞半島的東海海域每年⼋、九⽉會有東南季候⾵,到了年終⼗⼆⽉⾬季會有東北季候⾵來臨,此時⾵起浪湧,“奎籠”也隨浪搖擺。鮮豔的海蛇卷纏在棚底的柱⼦上,偶然會爬上來竄進你的被窩取暖。晚間潮⽔迅速升⾼,距離棚底只有尺餘,坐在棚上彎腰即可觸到⽔流。⽇間只⾒海潮由北⽽來,從⾺來半島西北部各⼤河氾濫流出的混濁泥漿⽔,與海⽔界線分明,像兩匹不同顏⾊的布在滾動,又像萬⾺奔騰迎⾯撲來,“奎籠”隨時會被推翻,但這時捕獲的⿂量會⽐平⽇多幾成。 修補加固“奎籠”的⼯作,每年在東北季候⾵來臨之前必須做好。有⼀年我隨漁船運載四⼗英尺⾧的⽊材回“奎籠”,突然間⾵浪⼤作,撲向漁船。
翻译文本 - English英语
At night the tides would rise rapidly and bring the water to a mere two feet under the platform, so we only had to lean over to touch the swirling currents. During the day, however, the waves would come rolling down from the north — turbid, muddy water spilling from the rivers in the northeast region of the peninsula, stark brown against the sapphire of the ocean. From a certain angle, it looked like a brown swath of fabric rippling alongside a blue one; yet from another, it resembled a sea of horses galloping towards us across the blue waters, threatening to topple the Kelong. But it was also during this time of the day that we caught several times more fish than usual, since the thundering waves would drive more fish into our nets.
Korean韩语译成English英语: 나를 떠난 사람들
General field: 艺术/文学
Detailed field: 诗词与文学
原文文本 - Korean韩语
그리고 나를 떠날 줄은 꿈에서도 몰랐었던 이들이 있다. 시간이 지나서 그때 왜 꼭 가야만 했는지를 이제 이해하게 되었지만, 그렇다고 받아들이기 쉬워진 건 아니다. 이제 영영 되찾을 수 없는 내 마음의 조각을 퍼 주었던 사람들이니까. 이들이 차지했었던 내 영혼의 구석구석에 큰 구멍들이 생겼다. 나중에 아물면 새살과 원래의 살의 경계를 명시하는 깊은 흉터가 남겨질 상처들이다. 그리고 고통도 함께 안겨주었다. 날카롭고 아리면서도 무디고 차가웠고 그 고통의 진정한 모습을 도저히 종잡을 수 없어서 그저 무기력하게 받아들여야만 했다. 비명을 지를 힘도 없었다. 분노보다 더욱 무겁고, 슬픔이라기엔 은근히 섬뜩한 빛이 번뜩이는 그 감정 앞에서, 나는 우두커니 서 있었다.
翻译文本 - English英语
And then there were people whom I had never thought, not even in my wildest dreams, would leave me. People whose reason for departure I have come to understand, but whose absence was not made easier by this knowledge. People to whom I have given pieces of my heart that I will never get back. There are gaping holes in the corners of my soul they once occupied, wounds that will heal and leave behind deep scars marking where the old skin ends and the new flesh begins. They also brought me pain, sharp and searing and dull and cold all at once, so confounding that I could only bear it in helpless submission. I did not even have the strength to scream. I stood still as if in a daze, in the face of that emotion that was too heavy to be called anger yet glimmering with a subtle, ominous edge that rendered the name “sadness” an ill fit.

经验 已有3年翻译资历。 在ProZ.com网站的注册时间:Apr 2016。
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
证书 N/A
会籍 N/A
软件 Aegisub, Trados Studio
CV/Resume English英语 (PDF)
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Work for non-profits or pro-bono clients
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Find a mentor
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Transition from freelancer to another profession
I love languages. Over the past few years, I've been searching for ways to put this passion to use, which has led me to try on all sorts of hats, from copywriting and content creation, to teaching and translation. Having worked as a copywriter in branding and advertising agencies, I have ample experience in dealing with your everyday, run-of-the-mill marketing copy as well as creative texts that require a bit of linguistic manoeuvring to translate. I also have some experience in literary translation, with my most recent works being a novel and an autobiography, both of which are awaiting publication. Outside of work, I dabble in creative writing myself, which I feel makes me a better translator. I write primarily in English and Korean and occasionally in Mandarin, and upload most of my writings to my blog, which can be found here: https://thelunartreehouse.com/
关键词: branding, marketing, advertising, literature, books, novel, autobiography, articles, SEO, language. See more.branding, marketing, advertising, literature, books, novel, autobiography, articles, SEO, language, language learning, linguistics, education, food, drinks, fashion, beauty, makeup, fitness, wellness, tourism, real estate, residential property, culinary, cooking, psychology, sociology. See less.

Nov 21, 2022