Translation glossary: Robcav Glossary

Showing entries 451-500 of 1,058
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Hole algorithmalgoritmo para furo 
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homenagemIn honor of 
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hospitality-relatedde cortesia 
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hot power for the lightligação do fio vivo para a lâmpada 
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Housekeeping surfacessuperfícies prediais 
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HOUSING; APPROVAL AGENCYcaixa/órgão regulador 
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hydraulic access fittingconexão hidráulica para acesso 
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I roll this care over on You right nowcoloco agora em tuas mãos 
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I've got the scars to prove the clock strikes with her handseu fiquei com cicatrizes para provar que o relógio bate pelas mãos dela 
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Iam/tie sheetsitens da Iams/placas de amarração 
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ice-builder or package chillerfabricador de gelo ou resfriador de líquidos de circuito fechado 
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icebreaking bridge/cross ice-bound watersponte quebra-gelo/ cruzar aguas congeladas 
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idea-led businessempresa movida a idéias 
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IDLE CURRENTcorrente em repouso 
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imaging timepointdata de exame de imagem 
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immobilize, secure, or forfeitembargar, apreender ou confiscar 
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impression covercobertura de impressão 
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in a vicemorsa/grampo/sargento 
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in aggregateconsolidadas 
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in dry weather flowfluxo em clima sêco 
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in good faithem boa fé 
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in object code formem forma de código objeto 
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in the execution circulated by usna execução distribuída por nós 
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In time Respons & Availibilitydisponibilidade e resposta em tempo 
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in trail of marriagenos trâmites de casamento 
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in-serviceem operação 
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inch or single stroke modemodo de avanço em polegadas ou golpe único 
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including TVM, NPV, IRR, amortizationincluindo valor no tempo, vpl, tir, amortização 
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inconspicuous donor sitelocal doador imperceptível 
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indexation and averaging systemssistemas de indexação e cálculo de média 
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industry honorhonraria do setor 
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Industry standard calculatorcalculadora padrão do setor 
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industry-wide process platformplataforma de processo para todos os setores 
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Insurance and Indemnity AgreementAcordo de seguro e indenização 
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interjudge / intrajudgeinterbanca / intrabanca 
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International Media Daysdias da mídia internacional 
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interpleaddepositar em juízo 
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intervenção na praçalandscaping changes in the square 
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investor capitulationcapitulação do investidor 
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investor capitulationdesistência do investidor 
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IP enablementhabilitação de IP 
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iron scalecasca/crosta de ferro 
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is up by approximatelycresceu de aproximadamente 
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Isso são horas de chegar ao escritório?Is that time to arrive at the office 
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issue of the bearer insurance policyadmite-se a emissão de uma apólice de seguro ao nomeado 
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it sets performance standards in Oracle, SAP Benchmarksestabelece padrões de desempenho para Benchmarks Oracle e SAP 
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