Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 309 results
Polsko-Angielski Słownik Biologiczny
Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk |
The dictionary contains English translations of Polish terms in the field of broadly understood biology - from biochemistry to ecology. It was prepared by students of Genetics and Experimental Biology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk: Marcin Banacki, Anna Barczak, Kacper Boguszewski, Katarzyna Bryszkowska, Hubert Czyż and Aleksandr... View more
Tongue-Twisters in English, Italian, Spanish, Latin, German, Polish, Ukrainian
Русский толковый словарь по биоинформатике |
Словарь по биоинформатике с толкованиями на русском языке.
Eskalada Hiztegia, trilingual climbing glosary.
Rodrigo Artiles Uriarte |
English-Basque-Spanish climbing glosary, ranging from materials to techniques, disciplines and rock types.
Russian to English Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Glossary / Русско-английский толковый словарь биотехнологических и генноинженерных терминов, with appr. 450 terms in the fields of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunogenetics, Genetic Engineering, Bioscience, with extensive explanations in Russian. Based on Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering ... View more
Русско-английский толковый словарь геологических терминов и понятий
Парначев В.П., Вылцан И.А., Танзыбаев М.Г., Рудой А.Н., Котельникова И.В. |
Настоящий словарь представляет собой четвертое издание "Словаря геологических терминов и понятий" (Томск, 1992. – 60 с.1995. – 83 с. 1996. – 85 с.). В него включены термины и по почвоведению в связи с осуществлением на ГГФ дисциплин: "География почв и основы почвоведения", "Методы исследования почв". Знание геологических терминов необходимо и сту... View more
Glossary of Zoning, Development, and Planning Terms
Collective of authors |
A Glossary of Zoning, Development, and Planning Terms (The Glossary) (Planning Advisory Service Report 491/492), edited by Michael Davidson and Fay Dolnick, was just that — a collection of terms and words used in all aspects of planning, including land use, architecture, real estate, environment, law, science, economics, government, and engineering... View more
WIPO Pearl – WIPO’s Multilingual Terminology Portal
World Intellectual Property Organization |
WIPO Pearl gives access to scientific and technical terms derived from patent documents. It helps promote accurate and consistent use of terms across different languages, and makes it easier to search and share scientific and technical knowledge.
Campbell Scientific Glossary
Campbell Scientific |
This glossary lists the terms that are commonly used in conjunction with Campbell Scientific products and related technology, solutions, and applications. The definitions provided are intentionally brief and serve to explain how we apply these terms.
Science glossary (English-English) from the European Space Agency
ESA (European Space Agency) |
English-English glossary of scientific terms from the European Space Agency
Ceci est la troisième version complète du "Dictionnaire des Sciences Animales" mise sur Internet. Elle comporte 31945 articles sur des mots et expressions concernant les animaux, ou en rapport avec les animaux tels leurs écosystèmes (particulièrement la flore méditerranéenne) et leur élevage, et 13618 photos ou dessins.
Philippe REGALL |
TechDico is a translation web service, feeded by 900 millions translations, individually labelled by field of activity, in 28 languages (the 24 languages of EU + russian + chinese + japanese + korean) and proposes translation (glossary + examples sentences) in 282 pairs of languages. TechDico is also the only service which proposes a multilingual m... View more
o dicionário da língua portuguesa na internet Mais de 818 mil verbetes, definições e locuções em permanente atualização. Um dicionário de crescimento infinito, sempre em interação com a língua portuguesa. O que é o Dicionário Aulete Digital -
Glossário Técnico
Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas |
Definição de alguns termos técnicos extraídos do Manual Normas Técnicas de Elaboração dos Planos de Gestão Florestal e outra documentação.
AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY - A DICTIONARY OF AUSTRALASIAN WORDS, PHRASES AND USAGES with those Aboriginal-Australian and Maori words which have become incorporated in the language and the commoner scientific words that have had their origin in Australasia by Edward E. Morris M.A., Oxon. Professor of English, French and German Languages and Literatures... View more
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences
Albert C. MacKey M. D. |
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences by Albert C. MacKey M. D.
English-Chineese Atmospheric Sciences Dictionary. 18 031 entries.
Science Dictionary |
The World's Largest Online Science Dictionary. is the most trusted science resource on the internet created for scientists and academics by scientists and academics. Our team of PhD's, Masters students and scientists bring you the most authoritative science dictionary ever created online and is free to use. There are over ... View more
Σκοπός του λεξικού είναι η συγκέντρωση, η επιλογή και η καταγραφή των ελληνικών όρων που διέπουν την Επιστήμη της Πληροφόρησης και ταυτόχρονα η απόδοση αυτών στην αγγλική γλώσσα. Επιλογή όρων από συναφείς επιστήμες, όπως Αρχειονομία, Βιβλιοδεσία, Τυπογραφία, Πληροφορική έγινε σε μικρότερη έκταση. Στόχος του λεξικού είναι –έχοντας πάντοτε ως βασικό ... View more
EuroTermBank Consortium |
133 local resources 4 externally linked databases 2 650 976 terms 710 705 entries 221 512 definitions 33 languages; Resources :; IATE (= “Inter-Active Terminology for Europe”); OSTEN The Open Dictionary of Scientific Terminology of the Agricultural Academy in Szczecin; MoBiDic. Subjects: politics, internat... View more
Medicinskt fackspråk och allmänspråk
Gunlög Josefsson |
Not exactly a glossary but an scientific article confronting the Swedish medical and the lay denomination of a number of medical phenomena
Glossary of Political Science
Thomson Wadsworth |
English-Spanish Glossary of Important Political Science Terms
Meteoterm WMO terminology database
World Meteorological Organization |
METEOTERM is WMO terminology database. It contains specialized terminology in six languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish. METEOTERM includes the International Meteorological Vocabulary, the International Glossary of Hydrology, and terms from related sciences that appear in WMO documents.
The English scientific literature is full of technical terms that in many cases do not have equivalent, standard terms in Spanish. Because finding accurate terms while translating texts for ornithological journals (this explains the avian bias) has been often difficult for us, during the past few years we have been building this glossary, which rep... View more
Dictionnaire des sciences animales
Cirad - Recherche agronomique pour le développement | http://dico-sciences-animales.cirad...
Présentation du dictionnaire des sciences animales Ceci est la troisième version complète du "Dictionnaire des Sciences Animales" mise sur Internet. Elle comporte 30182 articles sur des mots et expressions concernant les animaux, ou en rapport avec les animaux tels leurs écosystèmes (particulièrement la flore méditerranéenne) et leur élevage, et... View more
This is a multilingual glossary of ecological/environmental science terminology. There are twelve source languages and twelve target languages.
EuroTermBank Terminology Search
Tilde, EuroTermBank Consortium |
101 local resources, 4 externally linked databases, 2.3M terms, 625 345 entries, 200 000 definitions, 27 languages The EuroTermBank project focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of terminology work in new EU member states, transferring experience from other European Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the... View more
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), located in Helsinki, Finland, manages all REACH and CLP tasks by carrying out or co-coordinating the necessary activities, ensures a consistent implementation at Community level and provides Member States and the European institutions with the best possible scientific advice on questions relating to the safety ... View more
Das Lexikon der Erde
Arislejdy Stolzenberger-Ramirez |
GeoDZ ist das umfassende Referenzwerk rund um unsere Erde. Es verfolgt ein integriertes Konzept und umfasst sämtliche Disziplinen der Geowissenschaften: Geologie, Geografie, Geodäsie, Geophysik, etc. Wir möchten GeoDZ sowohl als Lexikon als auch als Studienführer verstanden wissen. Geo DZ is the profound knowledge ressource for earth ... View more
Около 2000 терминов и акронимов.
Dizionario interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede
a cura di G. Tanzella-Nitti e A. Strumia |
Il Dizionario è principalmente indirizzato a docenti di materie scientifico-filosofiche delle scuole superiori, ad universitari interessati a temi interdisciplinari, ad intellettuali credenti, oppure no, che desiderano avere accesso ad una documentazione aggiornata e ad una riflessione metodologicamente rigorosa sulle tematiche di maggiore attualit... View more
Construction deterioration & building durability glossary
by A. Sebastian Engineering and Investigation Services |
Issues in materials and construction deterioration: commentary and glossary Article & glossary hosted by A. Sebastian Engineering and Investigation Services Environmental loads and construction degradation Please click here to enter the construction deterioration article. Construction deterioration & building durability glossary: Term... View more
materials and construction deterioration: commentary and glossary Issues in materials and construction deterioration: commentary and glossary Article & glossary hosted by A. Sebastian Engineering and Investigation Services Environmental loads and construction degradatio... View more
GreenFacts Glossary
GreenFacts Scientific Board |
Objective: As a supplement the GreenFacts Digests, the GreenFacts Glossary delivers clear and accessible definitions for terms used, aiming to a better understanding of the relevant concepts from the the non-specialist.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary is ideal for both medical professionals and anyone who wants to keep up with the burgeoning array of terminology found in today's medical news. By avoiding jargon, the dictionary offers concise and easily accessible information for users searching for descriptions of over-the-counter or prescripti... View more
dizionari online / online dictionary |
Un dizionario online a prima vista davvero completo. Lo ha realizzato Google e lo ha messo in linea senza avvertire nessuno, come ormai fanno d’abitudine quelli dell’azienda di Mountain View. Tanto, qualcuno, prima o poi, lo nota (o forse, qualcuno dalla grande G, lo rivela informalmente). In questo caso, e’ stato il Los Angeles Times a scoprire la... View more
English to Armenian and Armenian to English Medical Dictionary
Republican Scientific-Medical Library |
JP "Srbijašume" |
Rečnik stručnih termina iz oblasti šumarstva (i srodnih disciplina) namenjen je kao dopuna uz standardni englesko-srpski rečnik. Mnogi stručni termini ne mogu se naći u standardnim rečnicima, ili se nalaze u svojim drugim značenjima. S druge strane, neki opšti termini imaju svoja specifična značenja u oblasti šumarstva.
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary
DESA Population Division |
Demopaedia is an open encyclopedia on Demography and Population Research It is a long term project. The project starts with the obtention of the authorization from the various authors of the Multilingual Demographic Dictionary to publish the entire contents of the dictionary (the so-called Green Editions) on the Demopaedia Web site. In March 2... View more
English glossary of terms used in Microfluidics