Translation Glossaries from the Web
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PDF file: Italian-English and English-Italian by Paolo Salimbeni, Commissione Nazionale Scuole di Speleologia
Knots, Ropes and Glossary and Bibliography
Quasi tutti i nodi, come si sa, hanno più nomi a secondo sia dei fini a cui sono destinati
e sia delle discipline che li utilizzano.
Qui, i nomi usati per indicare il medesi... View more
Dizionario di Termini Marinareschi
Il Faro della Mente |
Italian > English nautical terminology, with English equivalent of each term and full definition in Italian
To access the glossary, please select NAUTICA from the dropdown list 'le sezioni'. Glossary pages are located at the center of the page:
I termini nautici A-C.htm
I termini nautici D-L.htm
I termini nautici M-Z.htm
Nautical Terms Glossary
The Bosun's Mate dictionary of Nautical Terms |
The Bosun's Mate dictionary of Nautical Terms has been compiled from many sources and is constantly being augmented and revised in our attempt to capture as much of the rich yet complicated (and often conflicting) maritime termonology as possible. You will find an extensive list of information about all sorts of nautical items from sailor's kno... View more