Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Gujarati - English Administrative Dictionary
Directore languages, Govt. of Gujarat |
Its very useful dictionary for Gujarati - English back translation
glossaire des termes utilisés pour Internet |
glossaire en français des termes utilisés pour Internet et Ethernet, Web, ordinateurs, etc....
Lexique sur les Systèmes administratifs d’entreprise (SAE) / Corporate Administrative Systems (CAS) Glossary
Customs and Revenue Agency, Canada |
Huge glossary from the Customs and Revenue Agency (Agence des douanes et des revenus) of Canada. Includes abbreviations and acronyms, as well, in 136 pages of PDF document
English-Canadian French
a must for finances, management, logistics, accounting, etc...
obstetrics, pregnancy, etc. main definition given in english and italian, full explanation in italian only
Depuis que les bâtiments existent, des corporations se sont créées et ont acquis un vocabulaire particulier. De nombreux termes techniques sont bien connus mais d'autres tendent à disparaître devant l'industrialisation du bâtiment. On y trouvera quelques définitions d'outils ou de composants classés par corps d'état. Sont volontairement omises l... View more
Here you can find rhymes, synonyms etc... Very interesting and useful link especially if you are translating a poem.
First compiled when I became frustrated while reading magazine articles, help wanted ads and equipment for sale brochures....all pertaining to computers....where the following Abbreviations and Acronyms were used and their meanings were either not known to me or were not immediately available. I have actually seen (or have been told about) th... View more
General Chemistry Glossary
General Chemistry Online |
Definitions by topics : Atoms, Elements, Ions Measurements Molecules and compunds Matter Organic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry; etc...