Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-18 of 18 results
Polsko-Angielski Słownik Biologiczny
Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk |
The dictionary contains English translations of Polish terms in the field of broadly understood biology - from biochemistry to ecology. It was prepared by students of Genetics and Experimental Biology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk: Marcin Banacki, Anna Barczak, Kacper Boguszewski, Katarzyna Bryszkowska, Hubert Czyż and Aleksandr... View more
Biochemistry Glossary
By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu |
English to Chinese Bio-chemistry Dictionary
40 000 терминов
Searchable glossary of English terms used in Biochemical and Genetic research.
This dictionary aims to provide a one-stop source of information about all medical and scientific terms. It contains terms relating to biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology. This dictionary includes acronyms, jargon, theory, conventions, standards, institutions, pro... View more
Life Science Glossary |
In this resource a large amount of biology related information is readily available. It is a glossary of over 3,700 definitions and it is still growing.
ecology, botany, paleogeography, biology, chemistry glossary
This edition of Botany online is still under construction. So far, the first 45 chapters have been translated into English covering all plant anatomy, classic genetics, organic chemistry and plant biochemistry, intercellular communication, interactions between plants, fungi, bacteria, and viruses, evolution, and a part of ecology. The translation o... View more
nuclear glossary
Scientific Digital Visions, Inc. |
terms covering nuclear chemistry, nuclear physic, nuclear engineering, and radiation biochemistry. The nuclear terminology is now supplemented with military terminology, environmental terminology, and federal regulations terminology. Specialized suites of terms were then added and include U.S. nuclear weapons tests, effects of nuclear weapons, nuc... View more
Biology Glossary
EverythingBio |
This glossary contains an extensive collection of definitions in the following fields: anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, developmental biology, ecology, genetics, immunology, and molecular biology. The alphabetical index is easy to use. Click on a letter to get a complete list of every word starting with that letter. You can use a search box as ... View more
Life Science Glossary |
This glossary contains an extensive collection of definitions in the following fields: anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, developmental biology, ecology, genetics, immunology, and molecular biology. The alphabetical index is easy to use. Click on a letter to get a complete list of every word starting with that letter. You can use a search box a... View more
This free resource was developed by our staff members and contributors and is still very much under construction. Currently, most of our 8300+ terms deal with biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, cell biology and genetics. We also have some terms relating to ecology, limnology, pharmacology, toxicology and medicine. Don't expect to find common or e... View more
Medical Dictionary
University of Newcastle upon Tyne |
Exhaustive monolingual resource published by the Department of Medical Oncology. Includes abbreviations.
Biyokimya Terimleri S�zl�� [Dictionary of Biochemical Terms]
T�rk Biyokimya Derne�i |
Bidirectional; downloadable .doc file of 250+ Word pages; focus on turkicization/purification of scientific terminology
Glossary of Biotechnology Terms
Kimball R. Nill |
A comprehensive referential glossary with biotechnology and biology terms. Monolingual entries also available in Spanish and Portuguese.
Portal to on-line medical resources and private glossaries compiled by the members of MEDTRAD, an organization specialized in medical translations
Glossary of biological terms
University of California, Berkeley Museum of Paleontology Glossary |
The terms and in this glossary are important to practicing biologists and paleontologists in various fields. The exhibits are easy to understand without the glossary, but using this glossary may make your visit more enjoyable.
Egynyelvű biokémiai kislexikon / Monolingual lexikon of biochemistry in Hungarian