Browse links of Medisch (algemeen) glossaries
Discover or contribute links to translation glossaries about and Medisch (algemeen) terms.
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Glossário de termos médicos
Departamento de Cirurgia Reparadora do Hospital do Câncer - S. Paulo, Brasil |
Glossário, em português, de termos médicos, especialmente os ligados à oncologia
Glossary of terms used in Islamic Medical Manuscripts
Emilie Savage-Smith, Senior Research Associate, The Oriental Institute, University of Oxford |
The meaning of historical terms relating to medieval medicine and book making. The Arabic is transliterated in Latin letters
Glosario de demencias (Part I): enfermedad de Alzheimer
Adriana Cruz and Paz Gómez-Polledo |
English terms related to Alzheimer's disease and dementia generalities translated into Spanish, with a short explanation in Spanish. Downloadable PDF file.
Latin Russian Latin Anatomy dictionary
ETS Publishing House, Polyglossum, Inc |
Circa 8000 search words
Irritable Bowel/Crohn's Disease Glossary
National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse |
An English monolingual glossary of medical terms relating to irritable bowel/Crohn's disease.
Diccionari enciclopèdic de medicina
Enciclopèdia Catalana |
El diccionari conté: .48.000 entrades .Informació etimològica. Molt sovint, quan ha semblat que era útil, les entrades porten indicada, entre claudàtors, una breu informació etimològica (ex.:ambomal·leal [al, Amboss enclusa i llat, malleus martell]) .Conté sovint definicions per sinonímia, és a dir, fa remissió d'una entrada a una altra per evit... View more
Glossário do Olho
Portal da Retina |
Vocabulário relacionado com os olhos e a visão
Türkçeden Türkçeye faydalı bir tıp terimleri sözlüğü
Sustancias Tóxicas y el Registro de Enfermedades
Agencia para Sustancias Tóxicas y el Registro de Enfermedades |
Provides English translation and explanation in Spanish. This glossary in English:
National Immunization Program (NIP) glossary
Department of Health and Human Services - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
National Immunization Program (NIP) glossary. This glossary is maintained by CDC's National Immunization Program (NIP) and only contains terms associated with vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases.
PEPP Community: Online [Medical] Glossary
American Academy of Pediatrics and Jones and Bartlett Publishers |
Medical glossary. This virtual dictionary allows you to search by term, chapter, or to browse alphabetically. It will help to expand your medical vocabulary through the use of images and pronounciations.
Glossário Médico
Médicos de Portugal |
Glossário médico.
Glossário de Vigilância Sanitária
Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária |
A base da atuação da Vigilância Sanitária é a norma legal que fundamenta cada ato, assim ter acesso ao conjunto da legislação de vigilância sanitária é um instrumento de fundamental importância para todas as organizações do Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, para o setor regulado e para a sociedade.
[...]O Glossário será alimentado au... View more
Grupo de Inform�tica, Facultad de Biolog�a, Universidad de La Habana. |
Mental Health
Contains links to references in PDF.
Cooperative Online Dictionary of Trauma
S�ren Buus Jensen |
A source with definitons and abbreviations on trauma and traumatic stress disorder. From the home page:
A web-accessible dictionary of language used within an area of special interest that is built up and continues to develop as a collective, not-for-profit activity.
The web design is simple and graphics free to make for qui... View more
Glossary of Terms about Brain Injury
Flexicon - Das flexible Lexikon
Flexicon - Das flexible Lexikon |
Umfangreiches medizinisches Lexikon
Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology (1901)
James Mark Baldwin (editor), Christopher D Green (online publisher) |
Including many of the principal conceptions of ethics, logic, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, mental pathology, anthropology, biology, neurology, physiology, economics, political and social philosophy, philology, physical science, and education.
Term equivalents are provided in Germa... View more
Glossary of terms related to neuropsychiatry, abnormal psychology, and neuropathology.
Glossary covers brain structures from cellular to systems levels.
Abreviaturas en español
Harrison Medicina |
Useful medical acronyms in Enlish-Spanish; also images of emergency medicine
Gloss�rio da Asma
GlaxoSmithKline |
Glossário de Termos relacionados com a asma
A glossary providing EBM (Evidence-Based Medicine) terminology
English and Polish terms; definitons in Polish only
Agricultural Biotechnology: Informing the Dialogue. Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Ithaca NY. 2003.
National Research Council. Animal Biotechnology: Science-Based Concerns. Washington, DC. 2003
Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
AtlantaSouthGastroenterology, P.C. |
Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Glossary
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, Inc. (IFFGD) |
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Glossary
general medicine terms
Digestive Health and Disease: A Glossary
National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse |
Digestive Health and Disease
Sleep Apn�a Glossary
The Sleep Apn�a Trust |
The Sleep Apnœa Trust
Lexique des personnes handicapées / Glossary of Terms Pertaining to
Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada / Public Works and Government Services Canada |
"Le Lexique des personnes handicapées comprend quelque 1 800 entrées. Outre la terminologie à caractère sociologique, l'utilisateur trouvera dans ce lexique des noms de programmes, d'associations et d'organismes ainsi que des termes de domaines connexes, dont les aides techniques et la réadaptation. Le corpus initial est le fruit du dépouillement d... View more
Glossary of Medicare Terms
Medicare Rights Center |
Understanding Medicare means knowing the meaning of many unfamiliar terms. We would like to share a few key words and acronyms with you
Kidney Failure Glossary This glossary defines words that are often used when people talk or write about kidney failure and its treatments. It is designed for people whose kidneys have failed and for their families and friends. The words are listed in alphabetical order. Some words have many meanings; only those meanings that relate to kidney di... View more
3000 entries. Updated weekly with new terms and acronyms.
A list of common medical abbreviations.
Glossário de termos médicos
Medicinska termer (latin och grekiska till svenska)
Karolinska Institutet |
Ordlista över försvenskade termer i medicinsk praxis. Med tonvikt på anatomi.
Glossary of Occupational Therapy
WFOT - World Federation of Occupational Therapy |
Comprehensive list of occupational therapy terms in English, French, German, Spanish, including official definitions of the scope of the profession in various languages.
Downloadable PDF file. Glossary begins from page 34.
health sciences
virtual health library/bireme |
Terms related to health sciences in English, Spanish and Portuguese. No explanation or definition, only the correspondent terms in the 3 languages.
La parassitologia infatti è piena di stranissime parole, parole che per i più possono sembrare solo una sequenza di suoni, spesso sgradevoli, e che, apparentemente, non significano nulla. E mandarle a memoria non è certo cosa facile. D'altra parte ogni linguaggio tecnico ha bisogno di un proprio vocabolario. Così anche per le scienze mediche che, f... View more