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Russisch naar Engels Folklore Translation Glossary

Russisch term Engels translation
"строить" to order around
"рыльце в пушку" practice what you preach
седина в бороду, бес в ребро a streak of grey brings an old boy to his spring day
усерус, но не покорюсь! i'll shit in hay but not obey!
тройка a three-horse carriage
то понос то золотуха If it's not raining, it's pouring; If it's not one thing, it's another.
Entered by: Larissa Boutrimova
хорошего помаленьку (not) too much of a good thing
ы-ы-ы-ыть! uuuurgh!
Кому много дано, с того много и спрашивается With great power comes great responsibility
Аулие Saint, Holy Man, Enlightened One, Acolyte
Арык выкопаешь - свет увидишь. Digging an irrigation ditch will open up the whole world. (Sort of like "You irrigation ditch is the gatetway to the world.")
На лице твоем совесть и честность, а в поступках твоих - человечность. Face beaming integrity, deeds (actions) speaking humanity!
Начал во здравие, кончил за упокой started with laughter and ended with tears
Руки потрудятся - и зубам будет работа. Get your hands to work so your teeth will have something to do.
С легким паром ! Enjoy your bath!
Entered by: Vladimir Dubisskiy
У Пера когда-то корова была Per Fiddler, he had but the one only cow
Что нам стоит дом построить We can handle any quandaries, nothing is hard for us
Entered by: Lina Episheva
былички memorates
враскорячку half in and half out
Entered by: Lina Episheva
волков бояться, в лес не ходить If you can\'t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen
Entered by: Ksenia Annis
звание профессора rank of professor
игра в свайку marlinespike game
кашлять кровью I\'ll make them regret the day they were born
Entered by: Turdimurod Rakhmanov
косморамщик (fairground peep show/raek) barker
Entered by: Simon Hollingsworth
косолапый Bandy-Legs
Entered by: Stephen C. Farrand
колобог Kolobog (Slavic god of the Sun in pre-Christian Rus)
мягкий и пушистый soft and cuddly
музей народной архитектуры и быта local architecture and lifestyle museum
огромный порось an overgrown piglet/ a bit of a porker/an oinker///butterball/roly-poly/pudgy/tubby/pleasingly plump
ожившие персонажи русских народных сказок (some) characters from Russian folk fairy tales that have come to life
паяна payana (spirit-protector)
полная задница totally screwed
Entered by: Yakov Katsman
За здравие или за упокой Long live or rest in peace
Болотники и Болотницы the Masters and Mistresses of the Swamp
В чужом глазу соломинку видешь, а в своем бревна не замечаешь Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye and do not notice the log that is in your own eye
Глаз радуется appeals to the eye/is an eye candy
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