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Chinees naar Engels Juridisch: Octrooien, handelsmerken, auteursrecht Translation Glossary

Chinees term Engels translation
助燃气 combustion-supporting gas
卷边结合 lock beading
单位集资合作建房 Cooperative house-building with funds raised by the enterprise
可知悉 known to (the public); available to (the public)
受理标准 Application Acceptance
发明专利申请公开说明书 Public specification of an invention patent application
工作管理办法 Arbeitsrichtlinien
工矿企业 Industrial and Mining Enterprises
上位 Higher Level Concept / Superordinate Concept/ Broader Concept
不丧失新颖性宽限期声明 Statement about the grace period maintaining novelty (of the invention)
严密封口 tight seal
个体 and 个人 person and individual
帘布式半挂车 Curtain sider
干燥处理 desiccation
乙二酸二乙酯 Diethyl oxalate
Entered by: Alvin Liu
二进制表示 Binary Representation
冒充/影射 counterfeiting/passing off
全国危险化学品管理标准化技术委员会 Dangerous Chemicals Management of Standardization Administration of China
Entered by: Alvin Liu
公告本 publication copy, published copy
光有 to have only/merey...
国家标准 GHS(Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals)
签章或签字 sealed (with his stamp) or signed (by him)
类似群商品 product(s) in the similar product group / products in the similar group
系爭專利權 the patent at issue
缺乏事实及法律依据 short of factual and legal basis
隔壁吹扫 bulkhead purge
道路交通安全 Traffic Safety Product Quality Supervision Testing Center of the Ministry of Public Security
Entered by: ricochu0311
营业主体 business/trade establishment
被比产品 product under comparation
Entered by: William He
规章范本 Model Regulations
骨架式集装箱运输半挂车 Skeletal container semi-trailer
费减审批 Fee Reduction Approval / Fee Affairs
钵某, 羭祇, 穝Α妓 opposition, invalidation, design
铁道部标准计量研究所 Standards and Metrology Research Institute of MOR
自用土地 Land for Self-Use
Entered by: crowdparadise
适格的被告 Proper defendant
限硝基类腻子 nitrocellulose putty
GB/T18446 Binders for paints and varnishes -- Determination of monomeric diisocyanates in polyisocyanate resin
GB18581-2001 Indoor decorating and refurbishing materials - Limit of harmful substances of solvent coatings......
OEM(委托加工)生产方式 Provision of OEM Production Standard
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