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Chinees naar Engels Geografie Translation Glossary

Chinees term Engels translation
基 as in 筑基,基堤,"桑基鱼塘,蔗基鱼塘,果基鱼塘" -dike fish pond
卡什市 Kashgar (City of Kashi)
卢瓦玛加纳 Rwamagana
台北市敦化南路 Tunhua South Road, Taipei
塞北坝上 Bashang beyond the Great Wall
增5号 Plus 5
Entered by: albertdeng
审图号:青S(2007)003号 Map Review (Inspection) Number.: No. Qing S(2007)003
岙村村口 entrance to Xiang'ao Village
川旱地/山旱地 arid valley/arid mountain land
己字形的弯 S-shaped bend
巴尔布特 Pol Pot
巴耶瑙尔市 巴彦淖尔市 Bayan Nur
上游500m至下游2km from 500 m upstream (of the sewage discharge site) to 2 km downstream
东北偏东 East-northeast (ENE)
世纪华夏 Shi Ji Hua Xia Building /Building Shi Ji Hua Xia
万吨级 10,000 dwt
三级台阶状 in the form of a three-step staircase
一加八城市圈 "One plus eight" satellite city system (around Wuhan)
九山半水半分田 there are are 90% of mountainous region,
九龙美弗新村百老汇街 Broadway Street, Mei Foo Sun Chuen, Kowloon
Entered by: albertdeng
乽撿怊乿乽樳朚乿乽斍復乿乽堈晲乿乽樳朚乿乽澘妝乿 Nanru, Yibang, Banzhang, Yiwu, Yibang, Youle
乌兰乌拉湖 Ulan Ul Lake
库赛湖 Hoh Sai Lake
佐吕间町 Saroma
後勁段月眉小段 0805-0010 地號 Land Registration N°0805-0010 at Yue-Mei Partial Imposed Zone of Hou-Chin Zone (in Kao-Hsiung City)
忋奀帯嬥 Shanghai Metallurgy Constructin Co., Ltd.
北威州贝德堡 Bedburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen
北海道临鄂霍茨克海一侧 Okhotsk Sea side of Hokkaido
ヌゑ焊竤畄 Gambier Islands
和静 Hejing
啟新診所 Chi Hsin Clinic
啵峕嵐 alluvial sand deposits
入湖区 (river or lake) inlet
国际性的河流 transnational river
皮尔蒙特 Pyrmont
Entered by: albertdeng
皑禥吹竤畄 Marquesas Islands
环湖湿地片区 wetland surrounding the lake
科索沃 Kosovo
Entered by: Weiping Tang
焉耆 Yanqi
燕蓟 Yan and Ji
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