The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Chinees naar Engels Reclame / voorlichting Translation Glossary

Chinees term Engels translation
'四位一体,一步到位'推广法 integrated extension model
受关注程度 degree of interest; degree of concern/attention received
名媛时尚文化巡礼 Ladies/Womens fashion parade
向硼化工领域进军 Make its Way into the Boron Industry
君来之,则逸之 Once you come, you will enjoy being with us
天堑变通途 transforming a natural barrier into a superhighway/freeway
天路之旅 soul journey
姜子牙修成大道 Jiang Ziya practiced Taoism and finally grasped the Great Truth
学竞江河,志比昆仑 learning as profound as the Great Rivers; will as indomitable as Mt. Kunlun
山水生处对隆中 Have your important meeting at our resort with great view of mountain and creek
工艺流程 process
中华水塔 "Water Tower" of China
中国夏都西宁 Xining: The Summer Resort of China
九曲黄河第一湾 first bay of the winding Yellow River
产品入市广告﹑宣传资料方案 Draft/outline/plan of product market entry advertisement and promotional materials
人本立正,承諾是金 Humanism is a justified principle; commitment is as precious as gold
待业 Typo-->行业
喀米拉 Chimera
品味成就品质 Taste assures the quality
品牌推动业务成长。 Brand loyalty drives the growth of our business
品质成就未来 Quality shapes future.
哼哈二将 door gods
唐蕃古道 historic trail between Tang-China and Tufān-Tibet
全面小康 moderately affluent society
关不住的商机 Opportunities you cannot miss
前进的航标 睿智的选择 Buoy for the Progress, choice for the wisdom
《传奇用户文明自律公约》 Acceptable Behaviors for Legend Users/Customers
环保的 environmentally friendly
Entered by: Shirley Lao
环青海湖公路自行车赛 Tour De Qinghai Lake International Cycling Race
硼镁钙粉以及施乐硼 boron magnesium calcium pulver and Solubor
祭海仪式 a ceremony of sacrifice-offering to sea
秦皇島奧林匹克體育中心 Qinhuangdao Olympic Sports Centre
科研开发工程师 research engineers
立体广告 3D advertisement
缺氧不缺精神\高寒不丧斗志\艰苦不怕吃苦\落后不降标准 Whatever short is oxygen not spirit \ Whatever low is temperature not morale \ Whatever poor are circumstances not minds \ Whatever lagging is equipment not service
烟花 beautiful scenes
电视广告方案 TV ad plan
韵之气,共建未来 With heart, sincerity to you; With spirit, future we share
青海省旅游局 Qinghai Tourism Bureau
风格衬情怀 the (room) style sets off your mood
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