This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: New Year Powwow

January 12, 2019, 1:00 pm
United KingdomBirminghamIn personEnglish
We will meet up for a drink, possibly some food, and a chat.

New venue!

Purecraft Bar and Kitchen
Waterloo Street
B2 5TJ

Please confirm your RSVP by 5th January at the latest so that I can book a table if necessary.

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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (9) / Confirmed: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Sian Edwards  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Carola Lange   ...  y
Clive Walker   Football at St Andrews  n
Bernadette Bravo   ...  y
Nick Crosby   ...  y
Milen Bossev   Unfortunately I can't make it on the 12th  n
Axelle H.   Unfortunately, I will still be in France .. Have a good time !  n
Amanda Wilson   Really sorry I can't come (again!) but got lots on this month.... :(  n
M&YTranslations   ...  

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